Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The first centimeter...

Ok, I'm new to this whole blogging thing. So be gentle....

Maybe I should start with a bit of an introduction into the life of Kinta. Here goes...
I am currently living in Sydney with my Mum and her boyfriend Alan. For most of my life I have lived in Perth with my Nanna so for me, this is a pretty big change in my life. I have to admit I somtimes FREAK OUT but most of the time I am excited about what is going to happen in the future and hope that I will change for the better. In less than a week I start University and I am really looking forward to it. Partly because I will have something to do with my time and partly because I hope this will give me the oppertunity to make some new friends, which is the hardest thing I hope to overcome.

Alright, so I guess that pretty much sums up my life at the moment. There is a lot more, but its almost midnight and I'm finding it difficult to stare at this large white screen for more than a few seconds without my eyes starting to close.

I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say my Mum will be the only one who posts a comment of this blog. Thanks Mum (thumbs up) So until next time....Keep Off The Grass.


Secret Squirrel said...

YAAAAAAY! It is me, your mum, leaving the FIRST comment on your blog...
YAY for Uni!
HOORAY for new friends!
AHHH Meg you are teriffic
you are my 'SpEcIAl ChILd' and i love you to bits now and forever
xox mum xox
P.s.-keep up the blogging it is like fish-Good for your brain

ChrisB said...

Ha.. you would be wrong then. Welcome to blogging. You probably don't want comments from old folk like me. I bet your mum just loves having you at home. My girls are grown and have long since flown the nest. You will soon make friends at UNI and you can tell us all about it!!

Secret Squirrel said...

Oh and you know what? I think it is 'er' after all bad(as you say)

Beccy said...

Hi, I remember going away to university. I was 19 at the time and my uni was 230 miles away from my family and friends and I knew noone. I spent the first evening in tears then had the best three years of fun (with a little bit of study thrown in)!

I hope you make lots of friends...remember they probably feel as shy/scared/unsocial etc as you so bite the bullet and say hello.

Oh and welcome to the world of blogging.

kitten said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Great post!

Alix said...

Welcome! I hope you have fun at Uni. I had such a great four years there.

Hannah1981 said...

Hiya! Welcome to the world of blogging!

Hope you settle in to uni quickly and make lots of new friends.

Nikki said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Love your little picture.


Swampwitch said...

Welcome ! Welcome ! this wonderful world of "Globbing." I'll not explain, other than I'm lysdexic. (dyslexic)
Flew over from ChrisB's and look forward to visiting.
I had to go get my stronger glasses. My eyes are gettingn old.

BS said...

Welcome to blogging !!

Sandy said...

So glad that we could prove you wrong about the number of commenters! Welcome to our world.

I hope you have a terrific time at University and with your mum.

Attie said...

Welcome!! Chrib sent me over!!
I really do hope my kids never leave...but Iam sure they will!!

Misty said...

Welcome to blogging. I venture that, with the University and the journey of friendship ahead, blogging may prove to be quite therapeutic for you!

Sauntering Soul said...

Hi - welcome to blogging!

I think the first time I received as many comments as you have I had been blogging for over a year and a half!

thefoodsnob said...

Welcome to the world of blogging, it will be fun for you!
So far, so good.


Kaytabug said...

Hi! Welcome to the blog world. I hope you make friends at Uni and have a blast!

I'm sure you will make a few blogging friends, no doubt you will have a blast with this!

bichonpawz said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! You will see that Chris has alot of blog friends and you will get many more than just one comment! Enjoy your move and your time at University!!

Joy T. said...

Hello hello, visiting from chris's blog to say hi. Hope you enjoy your experience blogging!

Julie said...

Welcome to blogging! I'm here via Chris B.

Pamela said...

ya know... it took months for me to get this many comments.
You hit the jack pot (:

Best wishes on your blogging adventures and endeavors.

Rachel said...

I went to college 7000 miles away from my family. It was fun. I am sure you will enjoy it.

Welcome to the blogoshere

Alison said...

Hello Kinta..and welcome to the world of blogging....Chris sent me over to say careful though..this gets very addicting!!

my4kids said...

Welcome to blogging hope you like it here.

Robin said...

Ha! Chris has helped prove you wrong! I'm over from her blog (yes, she's the sweetest).

Hope things are going well with your move...sounds like quite a big change in your life!

You'll find the b-sphere chock full of nice people :).